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A New Funding Strategy For Difficult Times

Same Old, Same Old no longer works – It’s Time to Update

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In our article “The End of History and the Last Charity” we outline the need for a new approach to marketing that recognises the different audiences and multiple needs every non-profit has to address.

Even if you think your target market is homogenous like; homeless people, abused women and families or people interested in joining a local dramatic society or sports group, they’re not really. There are always different perspectives within that group that require a different approach if you want to reach the most people in that target group.

In fact potential donors or volunteers may not be included within that group at all so your marketing needs to be able to address or appeal to them as well.

We deal with these issues in other articles on this website but we want to list here some of the strategies you will hear more about inside the website.

A short list of the fantastic Fundraising Strategies we provide

92% of people now get most of their news online and over70% of them access the Internet using a mobile device. So if you are not using the Internet to communicate with them you are either reducing your reach or dramatically increasing your costs. But are you using the best tools to reach that 70%? Here are some of the tools we provide:

  • A website that delivers your message and can take donations is great but we also include one that is designed for use on a mobile phone, tablet or computer. Now you can reach the 92% of your clients, members, prospects, donors and volunteers (instead of the 30% that only use a computer to access the Internet) and save money on mail and letterbox drops
  • An even more powerful tool that can deliver a message direct to the mobile phone or tablet of the people who you want to reach – A mobile App. Most organisations don’t have one because they are too expensive to create but we have overcome that problem and gone one step further, we make them a profit centre, they actually earn you money. But just as important, they can help you build a strong relationship and be useful to your app users. An App is PR on steroids and a whole lot more.
  • Direct messaging on Facebook. Sure most organisations can send individual messages, one by one, which is very time consuming but we have a system that can send messages to hundreds or thousands of people instantly and auto reply to messages you receive. Imagine how quickly you can build your fan base with this.
  • Video is powerful, including a video on your web page can increase conversions by up to 80% (See more Video Facts) But we have taken video to the next level by using artificial intelligence and a number of other add-ons which we can use depending on the purpose of the video that make your videos much more powerful.

  • Ecommerce is growing 23% year-over-year, 67% of Millennials and 56% of Gen Xers prefer to shop on online rather than in-store, 51% of Seniors have shopped online. An Ecommerce store can add a huge regular income to your organisation but, putting one up and managing it is a full time job. Not anymore. We do everything – all you need to do is (1) promote it in your newsletter, website, social media and at events (we do all the other promotions for you) and (2) bank your profits.

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