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Why Your Charity or Non-Profit Needs a Mobile Website and Mobile App

part 1

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In a recent survey we conducted we asked a group of non-profit managers about their mobile marketing strategy and their responses varied from “What strategy?” to “that’s for big organisations with lots of resources.”
But that is really not the case. With more consumers relying on smartphones and expecting to be recognized for loyalty, referrals and donations, now is the time for small-charities and non-profits to put their mobile marketing strategies in place and implement new fundraising ideas.
A recent Deloitte TMT research report found that:

  • 84% of the Australian population now own smartphones Up from 79% in 2015
  • 94% of mobile consumers aged 18-24 have a smartphone. Up from 91% in 2015

Seeing those statistics you can understand why over 70% of Australians now access the Internet using a mobile rather than a desktop computer. That means having a mobile website is not just important these days, it is crucial.

Benefits of Mobile App Marketing

However hand in hand with this mobile revolution there is another game changer happening, Mobile Apps. The ‘app’ is one of the most disruptive innovations of the last decade.

In an article titled “3 Mobile Web Marketing Tactics for 2017” Surefire mobile marketing points out that 9 Million Australians downloaded one or more Apps in 2013 and about 400 Billion Apps had been downloaded from the Apple and Google app stores.

This video is borrowed from Surefire Mobile an associated member of our group, they implemented our mobile marketing strategies.

However since then the “App Revolution” really heated up as the graph above shows

One of the most important takeaways from this data is that smartphones have created an enormous opportunity for non profits to engage their audience like no other platform.

A mobile website helps you acquire an audience because mobile websites are served in preference to and therefore before a desktop website in Google, if the searcher is using a mobile to do the search, and over 70% do.

In my opinion, one of the biggest benefits of a mobile website is that it gives you an incredible opportunity to provide a download link to your App while the reader is visiting your website on their mobile phone, which is what they need to be using when they download your App. And an App enables you to take that relationship to the next level.


For charities and non-profits the new paradigm is about connecting with potential donors and members as opposed to amassing fans and followers. This is something a lot of organisations have not fully realised with their social media pages. However, with your app on your target market’s phone you are able to more actively engage them without the constant distractions that social media platforms present to them.

For example, you can easily see how people respond to articles, polls, and engaging images and videos. Based on this information, you can segment customers based on preferences and present more customized messages. This personal touch enables you to differentiate your offerings while engaging followers to become ambassadors for your organisation.

Mobile Marketing Solutions

Getting your readers involved is the Holy Grail of marketing, whether it is on social media, a mobile web site or your regular one. But these days a good relationship building programme does not focus on one or the other, it melds all of your marketing platforms together in a seamless strategy that leaves no opening overlooked. It doesn’t matter if you are a community organisation, a charity or a business the formula works the same in all cases.

A lot of small and larger non profits shy away from mobile marketing because they perceive it to be complex or time-consuming or expensive. But that is a misconception, although I do know that some developers still over charge especially for creating mobile Apps. But if you shop around or contact us at Community Funding Strategies, you can get an inexpensive option that can actually make you money.

Mobile is simply another marketing channel. But it has amazing advantages that few businesses or non-profits have fully utilised to extend their engagement marketing efforts. However, of course, you should still include what you’ve been doing in e-mail and social media marketing to foster stronger ties to customers.

By embracing mobile as a marketing vehicle, you’ll be able to extend what makes your organisation unique with the added personalization only an App can deliver.

Mobile Web Marketing Tactics Examples

continued in part 2…

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