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Mobile Web Marketing Tactics Examples

part 2

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Reaching the right person with the right message at just the right time is the key for just about any charity or non profit, large or small. It’s crucial to helping your organisation stand out from the 55,000 plus registered charities in Australia and the many community groups that are not registered charities. Often it’s the secret to why successful groups or charities prosper.

One example is “Text Messages” which combined with a mobile-friendly website seems to be a winning combo so far for businesses working the mobile Web.

According to mobiThinking

40 percent of users polled said they were most likely to respond to text-message advertising.

  • One survey, taken in 2011 showed that 49 percent of the people who respond to a mobile ad make a purchase.
  • Google says 23% of mobile searches result in conversions

So how does this apply to you, well one of the benefits of distributing your mobile app is the ability to text message users for free.

Further, you can segment your App users into sub groups and tailor your message to each group, message only one or two groups or leave a group out of a particular campaign (e.g. people who are already signed up as a regular donor).

Taking your App one step further, think of the possibilities it provides for:

  • Joint Ventures. One example that a Christian radio station in the US implemented with incredible success was to partner with a local dog pound to feature “Pet of the Week” in their App which introduced readers to a dog at the pound looking for a home.

This appealed to many pet lovers and increased their relationship with that segment of their community and got the app shared a lot more as readers sent it to their friends.

I could write a whole article on the psychology around this but due to lack of space I will ask you to think through the benefits of making people feel that you are not a one dimension organisation and the emotional attachment they will feel with your organisation for being kind to animals for example.

  • Be Part of the Local Community. If you are a local charity, school or other type of community group, imagine the support you could generate from local businesses if you promote their offers to your readers. This could also be an income earner.
  • eCommerce – include your own store. We are currently setting up a range of online stores for charities and non-profits with products specifically chosen that appeal to their demographic.
  • Bonuses for spreading the word. In a world where buzz equals commercial success and word-of-mouth is often king, try building in quick-hit coupons that are sent to customers who check in to your app. Encouraging engagement through discount-rewards means more people are aware of your organisation and have more reasons to stay “connected”.
  • Reward loyalty.People like to feel that they are valued and recognition is not only easy to do it is effective but also often overlooked. You can recognise your app members by giving them a recognition when they reach a repeat-visit milestone or provide a simple, low cost reward such as a T-shirt which has the benefit of promoting your organisation as well.
  • Contextualize the ads. If you are a local sports team for example and there is a story about a local sports personality take the opportunity to congratulate them with a short article and image and then remind readers that it is time to register their kids with your club.

However, whatever the purpose or cause your organisation supports there are always news items, changes to government policy, events and more than can provide you with a good reason to contact your members – if you have the facility to do that in a timely way. And that is exactly what your mobile website and especially your mobile App enable you to do cost effectively (in fact for free).

Benefits of Mobile App Marketing

You may be thinking that because you are a small local organisation and not a major community group or charity getting people involved is harder to do.

The short answer to that is, anything new is hard to do at first but it gets easier as you get used to doing it. Every community group or non-profit is presented with numerous opportunities every week to give them a reason to talk to their audience. Getting used to recognising them when they occur takes a little practice but without the benefit of an App which gives you the ability for instant communication with your followers, there has been little reason to hone this skill in the past.

One last idea on this subject, it is not necessary to wait for news to happen to give you a reason to communicate with your readers, you can also create the opportunities yourself.

I’m sure Spirit 106.5 Christian Radio, does not sell dogs or own a dog pound but they have partnered with one to create an interesting campaign for their home page. Who could you support or joint venture with to create an interesting ongoing feature for your App or website?

Finally, getting your mobile web site or mobile App is the easy bit. Most of our work with our clients is helping them to make their site or App relevant and interesting to their readers and then marketing them so they get found by people who are interested in their product or service. If you would like to find out how we can work with your organisation please use the Contact Us page to send me a message and I will get right back to you.

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